

What is this?
K-ETHICS. Welcome, happy to have you.

Who are you?
That's a loaded question, as the answer varies depending on who you ask.
Without complicating the issue too much, I am peek. It's very nice to meet you.

What is the point of this site?
There is no sole purpose, but I suppose it was largely motivated by a desire of mine to understand and document the present.
On the negative side of that sentiment, current cultural phenomena inspires anxiety, concern, and bewilderment.
God willing, clarification and perhaps even solutions may be provided for the future.
Besides all that? Intensification would be a fine objective too.

This isn't another one of those /acc blogs, is it?
Were I only insightful enough to be included in that circle.
Those blogs, however, do influence my thought and I will touch upon many of the same subjects they address.