

Title Author Summary
After Virtue: A Study in Moral Theory Alasdair MacIntyre Alasdair MacIntyre argues that modern moral discourse is in a state of moral decay, advocating for a return to Aristotelian virtue ethics as a means of understanding and revitalizing moral reasoning in contemporary society.
Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia Gilles Deleuze & FĂ©lix Guattari Offers a critique of traditional psychoanalytic theories, advocating for a revolutionary reevaluation of desire, power dynamics, and social structures through the lens of schizoanalysis, emphasizing the interconnectedness of desire, capitalism, and societal control mechanisms.
The Bible (RSVCE) N/A A collection of sacred texts central to Christianity, consisting of diverse literary genres including historical accounts, poetry, prophecies, and teachings, presenting the narrative of God's creation of the world, humanity's fall from grace, the covenant relationship between God and the Israelites, the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, and the promise of redemption and eternal life through faith and obedience.
Cybernetics: Or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine Norbert Wiener Explores the interdisciplinary study of control and communication systems in organisms and machines, elucidating the parallels between biological and technological processes and their implications for understanding complex systems.
Fanged Noumena: Collected Writings 1987-2007 Nick Land A collection of essays that explore themes of accelerationism, cybernetics, capitalism, and the nature of reality, delving into the intersection of philosophy, technology, and culture in the contemporary world.